New York Times Crossword Answers March 23, 2025

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Below are New York Times March 23, 2025 Crossword Answers. We have changed the way we posting answers and solutions for clues; instead of opening them in a new page we are revealing answers and solutions in the same page. This is the simplest way for you to find faster answers. As you see in the left side are crossword clues and in the right side are crossword answers.

Author: Andrew Colin Kirk
Editor: Will Shortz


Capital of Western Australia PERTH
Doomed Ethiopian princess AIDA
Do some basic math ADD
Heats to just below a boil, as milk SCALDS
Setting for 6-Across OPERA
Higher in rank? SMELLIER
"Here!" TAKEIT
Stay in one's lane? RESISTTHEMERGE
One place to redeem tickets ARCADE
One might be custom-printed TEE
Brings in EARNS
Vehicle in 2020's "Nomadland" VAN
Like bread more suitable for panzanella STALER
Canada's ___ Nova National Park TERRA
It follows Oktober FEST
CliffsNotes version of Holmes and Watson stories? MENSOLVEDMYSTERIES
Morales of the "Mission: Impossible" franchise ESAI
Wedding cake features TIERS
"When do you need this patched up?," "Do you have the missing button?," etc.? MENDERLINES
Hockey player who wears #1, traditionally GOALIE
___ milk OAT
Slightest amount LEAST
Pentagon div. DOD
Figure on a Wyoming license plate COWBOY
Straightens up TIDIES
Neptune, e.g. SEAGOD
Weapon/fashion accessory for animation's Sailor Moon TIARA
Apt name for a car salesman? OTTO
Best impression of a Springfield patriarch? FINESTHOMER
Start to wear FRAY
Where you might walk down the aisle PLANE
The "K" of 15-Down KENNEL
Support on a lease COSIGN
Temporarily banish, as a college roommate SEXILE
Planks can build them ABS
Wire holder SPOOL
Get along in years AGE
Vivid shade of yellow CANARY
Headline about a falsely incriminated person casting a ballot? VOTERFRAMED
Beautifully emotive POETIC
Exudes OOZES
"___ we forget …" LEST
Delivered a nasty insult with perfect timing? NAILEDTHEDISMOMENT
Word after cash or read ONLY
Toiled on a longship, maybe OARED
"Lawrence of Arabia" star OTOOLE
Cut short MOW
Grain used in Italian cuisine FARRO
Turns inside out INVERTS
Bit of concert stage equipment AMP
Liqueur in a spritz APEROL
Classic breakup excuse … or a phonetic hint to 23-, 36-, 47-, 67-, 86- and 93-Across ITSNOTYOUITSME
Claim in a courtroom ALLEGE
Dartmouth's colorful nickname BIGGREEN
comedy inspired by "The Scarlet Letter" EASYA
"Too bad for me!" MYLOSS
Mo. known for political surprises OCT
Common conjunctions ANDS
Rule the ___ ROOST


Wine whose name is the first half of its country of origin PORT
Dueling weapons EPEES
Electric appliance button RESET
Arm muscle, informally TRI
Big pain HASSLE
Noted family of New York City's Gilded Age ASTORS
"If you ask me …," to texters IMHO
Alternative to a citronella candle DEET
___ mater ALMA
Sign at a gas station AIR
Use a Clorox wipe on, say DEGERM
Laurel of Laurel and Hardy STAN
They fill up a lot CARS
Org. that awards the "Paw of Courage" for canine heroism AKC
Told some jokes, say DIDASET
Surgical aids STENTS
Literature LETTERS
Before now THEN
One celebrating Ethiopian Christmas (Jan. 7) RASTA
In the thick of AMID
Mag staffers EDS
It might have "-GUEST" in its name FREEWIFI
Big name in elevators OTIS
Dryer detritus LINT
Victory symbol VEE
Soft mineral TALC
"Middlemarch" author ELIOT
___ pop (hybrid music genre) EMO
Birthplace of Starbucks SEATTLE
Skeptical of big government, say ANTITAX
Yalie ELI
Ecosystem for an estimated 25% of all marine species REEF
Corrective eye surgery LASIK
Kind of boot GOGO
"Hamilton" co-star Leslie ___ Jr. ODOM
"Matilda" author DAHL
Darts or billiards BARGAME
Ambrosia salad ingredients ORANGES
"Woo-hoo!" YAY
IDs that will never start 000 or 666: Abbr. SSNS
Summertime in Versailles ETE
Designer's specialty DECOR
Photo ___ OPS
Warm, in a sense NEAR
Disc jockey Deejay :: Nonbinary
Feature of a yurt, but not a teepee ROOF
Thrill ELATE
Camera choice, in brief SLR
Oklahoma's "Wheat Capital" ENID
Red part of rhubarb STEM
Philippine currency PESO
Summer setting in Somerset, for short EDT
Jackson or Jackman ACTOR
Nullifying VOIDING
Parts of baby wts. OZS
Member of a choir ALTO
Impressive array PANOPLY
Crude cavity OILWELL
Pablo Neruda's "___ to My Socks" ODE
Polite "I'll pass" NOMAAM
Gummy candy company HARIBO
Like the Kama Sutra EROTIC
Dunderheads MORONS
Caesar's addressing? ETTU
More intrusive NOSIER
Dogie catcher LASSO
Angela Lansbury was nominated for 18 of them (winning none) EMMYS
Obscures FOGS
Some six-packs ALES
Director Ephron NORA
Powerful engine VTEN
Kept watch on EYED
Bog deposit PEAT
___ Speedwagon REO
Army rank above cpl. SGT
Principle behind yin and yang TAO