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Below are NewsDay June 09, 2019 Crossword Answers. We have changed the way we posting answers and solutions for clues; instead of opening them in a new page we are revealing answers and solutions in the same page. This is the simplest way for you to find the answers. As you see in the left side are crossword clues and in the right side are crossword answers.
Author: Mark McClain, edited by Stanley Newman
Record video, in the ’70s | TAPE |
Moistens, as meat | BASTES |
Herring family member | SHAD |
Popular family pooch | LAB |
Certain nobles | EARLS |
Author played by Streep in ”Adaptation” | ORLEAN |
In good order | TIDY |
Contents of a valuable vein | ORE |
John Williams orchestral work | TUBACONCERTO |
Beast of folklore | OGRE |
It’s after ”due” in Italy | TRE |
Soon, in verse | ANON |
High-tech pointer | LASER |
Santa sounds | HOHO |
Surmounting | ATOP |
Stock analyst’s discovery | TREND |
Road glare reducer | TINTEDWINDOWS |
Common vending-machine contents | SODAS |
Dread | FEAR |
__ smasher (supercollider nickname) | ATOM |
He’s next to Teddy on Rushmore | ABE |
Subject | TOPIC |
Rather less than lucid | MUDDY |
Himalayan region | TIBET |
Title bout bigwig | BOXINGPROMOTER |
Angry outburst | TIRADE |
Get moving | HOPTO |
Geologic period | ERA |
Explain in detail | DELINEATE |
Ring combinations | ONETWOS |
Courageous persistence | GRIT |
Rattlesnake’s weapon | FANG |
Hinge (on) | RELY |
Metaphor for anxiety | PANICBUTTON |
Jumble | MESS |
Prefix for phrase | PARA |
Prefix for present | OMNI |
Rock, for stone | SYNONYM |
Too predictable, as a plot | FORMULAIC |
Wallet items | IDS |
Up on things | AWARE |
Historical records | ANNALS |
Major papal convocation | VATICANCOUNCIL |
Untamed leapers | TOADS |
Freshen up | RENEW |
Humdingers | LULUS |
Body art | TAT |
Was mentioned, with ”up” | CAME |
Oratorio solo | ARIA |
Father, ”verbally” | BEGET |
Spanish archipelago | CANARYISLANDS |
Jackrabbits, for instance | HARES |
71 Across of a stack | HEAP |
Nine-digit nos. | SSNS |
Certain Alaskan | ALEUT |
Sch. near Beverly Hills | UCLA |
Burro | ASS |
Coin in Chihuahua | PESO |
Brunch offering | BAGELSANDLOX |
Little one | TOT |
Become indistinct | BLUR |
Mac partner | CHEESE |
Mineral in geodes | AGATE |
Intel accumulator | SPY |
For __ (not gratis) | AFEE |
Wyoming’s second city | CASPER |
Second Hebrew letter | BETH |
Provoke verbally | TAUNT |
Garden structure | ARBOR |
Shop shavers | PLANES |
PC cancel key | ESC |
__ fides (credentials) | BONA |
Extended story lines | ARCS |
Wintry mix element | SLEET |
”Great!” | TERRIF |
Take internally | EAT |
__-globe (kind of paperweight) | SNO |
Got up | STOOD |
Road with ramps | HIGHWAY |
Skillful | ADROIT |
Candy-making supply | DYE |
State fundraiser | LOTTO |
Primitive projectile | ARROW |
Microwave signals | BEEPS |
Frat letter | ETA |
Set-in-ways one, supposedly | OLDDOG |
Assembled, as Angoras | HERDED |
Regard highly | ADMIRE |
”I’m too busy to talk” | NOTNOW |
Fish found in a 2003 film | NEMO |
Having no slack | TAUT |
Giving a shout-out to | NOTING |
Smartphone tool | APP |
Father, ”verbally” | SIRE |
Abominate | ABHOR |
Revered pioneer | BOONE |
Disgorge | EXPEL |
Pooch at Buckingham Palace | CORGI |
Venerable detergent brand | DREFT |
Not-bad bond rating | BAA |
Summer setting in Va. | EDT |
Football supporter | TEE |
Microscopic | ITTY |
One of the ”apóstoles” | MARCO |
Sounding like toy pianos | TINNY |
Monsoon season nation | LAOS |
Translucent gems | OPALS |
Pop singer Bareilles | SARA |
Big name in cloud computing | IBM |
”Antony and Cleopatra” costume | TUNIC |
Easily duped | NAIVE |
Descriptor for basins | TIDAL |
Manicured, as fairways | MOWN |
Put into force | ENACT |
Gulf War ally | SYRIA |
Extract, as metal from ore | SMELT |
Source of faraway waves | PULSAR |
Sartre novel | NAUSEA |
”Good” part of nut butters | FAT |
John __ Lennon | ONO |
Cell’s protein producer | RNA |
Rashly impulsive | MADCAP |
Where locks are opened all day | CANALS |
Rebuff | SNUB |
Metric ”trillion” | TERA |
”Checkmate” | IWIN |
The Browns, on sports tickers | CLE |
”You __ Be in Pictures” | OUGHTA |
Second publication | REISSUE |
Yours truly | MYSELF |
Wise words | ADAGES |
Walk wearily | TRUDGE |
Online discussions | CHATS |
Ancient storyteller | AESOP |
Loathsome | NASTY |
Bunkhouse noise | SNORE |
Inactive computer mode | SLEEP |
Notable brilliance | ECLAT |
Symbol of slowness | SLOTH |
Besides that | ELSE |
Tech support client | USER |
Tool on firetrucks | AXE |
Org. for keglers or cops | PBA |
Discreet email inclusion | BCC |
”Just as I thought!” | AHA |
Put the collar on | NAB |