”Nice Job!” Crossword Clue Answer

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Definition 1:
How someone or something does something :how someone or something behaves, appears, feels, etc. usually singular often followed by to + verb often used with in .

I like the way she looks/dresses/laughs. [=I like her appearance/clothing/laugh]
The way he treats his mother is so sweet.
The machine isn’t working the way it’s supposed to.
It’s strange the way things seem to happen for a reason.
Do you really think that way about them? [=is that really your opinion of them?]
The steak was rare, just the way I like it.
Well, Your Honor, it happened this way. [=this is what happened]
That’s no way to talk to your father. [=you should not talk to your father using those words, that tone of voice, etc.]
There is no easy way to say this: you have to leave.
She explains things in a way that children can understand.
He spoke in a calm and gentle way. [=manner]
I said that she was quirky, but I meant it in a good/positive way.
In a strange way, I’ve always known I would go back there.
I try to be nice to everyone, and in the same way, I expect everyone to be nice to me.
He wants to win in a big way. [=very much]
In a small way [=to a small extent or degree], the experience helped me understand what it’s like to be homeless.
Their story is a tragedy in more ways than one. [=it is a tragedy for more than one reason]
The way things are going [=if things continue to happen like this], I may lose my job.
We were disappointed when we lost, but that’s the way it/life goes. [=it is a fact that bad or disappointing things happen sometimes]
Let’s stop here. That/This way [=by doing that/this] we can look at the map before we get off the highway.
Definition 2:
A method or system that can be used to do something often followed by to + verb often + of .

We’ll try doing it your way first.
Let me explain it this way.
What are some (of the) ways that you deal with stress?
You can pay for your purchase in one/either of two ways: by cash or by credit card.
I’ve tried lots of different ways to lose weight.
That is a good way to look at the problem.
There’s no way to know what will happen next.
There’s no way of knowing what will happen.
He uses art as a way of expressing his feelings.
You have a funny way of showing that you like her.
This gift is my way of saying thank you for all of your help.
She will become famous one way or another—if not by modeling, then by acting or singing.
One way or another, it’s going to happen.
For months, he had been trying to find a way into/to her heart. [=to make her love him]
Where there’s a will, there’s a way. [=if you have the desire and determination to do something, you can find a method for accomplishing it]
Definition 3:
A person’s usual habits, actions, qualities, etc. .

He has a charming way about him. [=he is charming; he behaves/talks in a charming way]
Everyone is special in his or her own way. [=everyone has qualities that make him or her special]
It is not his way to give up easily. [=he does not give up easily]
She is familiar with Western ways. = She is familiar with the ways of Westerners. [=the typical habits, behaviors, etc., of people who live in the West]
He is becoming older and more set in his ways. [=more unwilling to change his habits, behaviors, opinions, etc.]
Definition 4:
The series of roads, paths, etc., that can be used to go from one place to another usually singular often used figuratively to refer to a series of actions, procedures, etc., that can be used to achieve something .

He asked the way to the museum.
What’s the quickest way to the library?
We took the long way home.
One way around the problem of poor sales is to lower prices.
He is a Broadway actor looking for a way into the movie industry.
They smoothed the way for an end to the dispute. [=they made an end to the dispute easier and more likely]
Definition 5:
A road, path, etc. usually singular often used in names .

We could not find the way that leads to the waterfall.
The explorers hacked a way through the jungle.
They live across the way from us. = (Brit) They live over the way from us. [=they live across from us on the other side of the street]
There is another jewelry store across the way.
He lives at 121 Village Way.
Definition 6:
A door, opening, etc., that is used for going into or out of a place often used figuratively In British English a door or passage that leads outside or to an exit door is often marked Way Out, while in U.S. English it is marked Exit..

Which door is the way in?
The back way was blocked.
This door is the only way out of the room.
We’re in trouble, and there is no (clear/simple) way out. [=no clear/simple way to get out of trouble]
They’re trying to take the easy way out. [=trying to find an easy way to avoid having to do something difficult]
Definition 7:
The route along which someone or something is moving or intends to move :the area in front of a moving person or thing see also in the way on the way out of the way (below).

A tree had fallen and was blocking our way.
She used a flashlight to light her way to the shed.
Please move—you’re in my/the way. [=you are blocking my path]
Get out of my/the way!
He asked the children to stay/keep out of his way while he made dinner.
“Can you give me a ride to the library if it’s not out of your way?” [=if you do not have to take another route in order to do it] “Sure, I can give you a ride. The library is on my/the way home.” [=I pass the library when I take my usual route home]
I go past it on my way home.
Definition 8:
used with her, his, their, its, your, and our to describe someone or something that is moving forward, going somewhere, etc. .

Paramedics pushed their way through the crowd.
The snail slowly inched its way toward the water.
The river winds/snakes its way through the valley.
He tried to buy his way into the prestigious college. [=he tried to use money to get himself accepted as a student at the college]
She managed to talk her way past the guard. [=she was able to convince the guard to let her pass]
Definition 9:
A specified or indicated direction .

Face this way so I can take your picture.
Try turning the key the other way.
Which way should we go, left or right?
They went that way.
Look both ways before crossing the street.
The exit is this way, ladies and gentlemen.
She is coming/heading back this way. [=towards us]
The rabbit ran this way and that [=in many different directions], trying not to get caught.
Definition 10:
used with her, his, their, its, your, and our to say that someone or something is moving toward or coming to a particular person or thing .

A storm is heading our/their way. [=towards us/them]
A tax rebate may be coming your way. [=may be sent to you]
A streak of bad luck had come his way. [=he was experiencing some bad luck]
Definition 11:
A distance often used figuratively see also all the way (below) ways.

They live a short way down the road. [=a short distance from here on the same road]
He grew up a long way from here. [=far from here]
He talked the whole/entire way home. [=throughout the entire journey home]
If you want to run for the Senate, we’ll support you every inch/step of the way. [=throughout the entire process]
He still has a way to go [=a long time to wait] before the cast on his foot can be removed.
Definition 12:
The area or region where someone lives .

The weather has been rainy (out) our way. [=out where we live]
I’ll visit when I’m down your way again.
They live out California way. [=in or near California]
Definition 13:
A particular part of something that is being thought about or discussed used with in .

The new computer is superior to the other one in every way. [=it is completely superior; all parts of it are superior]
In many ways, their stories are the same. [=their stories are the same to a great degree; many parts of their stories are the same]
In some ways the movie is brilliant, but in other ways it is just horrible.
Her statement is true, in a way. [=it is true to some extent; it is partly true]
In no way am I like my father. [=I am not at all like him; no part of me is like him]
Definition 14:
A manner of thinking about or considering something .

The punishment was severe, but in a way it was appropriate. [=it was appropriate when you think about it from a certain point of view]
I started looking at the problem in a different way than I had before.
To my way of thinking [=in my opinion], this is the best strategy. = The way I see it, this is the best strategy.
Definition 15:
The situation that exists .

People are dying of hunger, and it doesn’t have to be that way. [=the situation can be changed]
Business is good, and we are doing everything we can to keep it that way.
There’s nothing we can do to help them. That’s just the way things are.
Definition 16:
One of usually two possible decisions, actions, or results see also go either way (below).

We thought she would vote against the bill, but surprisingly she voted/went the other way. [=she voted for the bill]
I can’t see how the election could have gone any other way. [=how it could have had a different result]
I’m not sure if I will take the bus or train, but either way [=whether I take the bus or the train] I will be there tonight.
It’s all right with me either way. [=both possibilities are acceptable to me]
You can have either lower taxes or better-funded public programs; you can’t have it both ways.
He wants it both ways.
Yes or no? Give me an answer one way or the other.
I don’t have an opinion one way or the other.
Definition 17:
One of a specified number of usually equal parts into which something (such as an amount of money) is divided .

The money was divided three ways. [=it was divided into three amounts]

Don’t close the page if you need other answers from the same crossword. Go back to this link to find Code Letter by Pat Sajak September 24, 2018

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