Welcome to Daily Crossword Answers Website! In this section of website we post daily answers and solutions for the The Independent Cryptic Crossword.
Below are The Independent Cryptic March 17, 2025 Crossword Answers. We have changed the way we posting answers and solutions for clues; instead of opening them in a new page we are revealing answers and solutions in the same page. This is the simplest way for you to find the answers. As you see in the left side are crossword clues and in the right side are crossword answers.
Fail pious quest, regularly back boozing on this? | TEQUILA |
Unemployed chap, long-suffering? Not so much | JOBLESS |
Exhausted and inclined to blaspheme when losing head | WEARY |
“Bard is average, limited and borders on third-rate” – that’s direct! | IMMEDIATE |
Expose Trump, foul army and silly gossip mongers | RUMOURMILL |
Newspaper contains current information | FACT |
Computer file parsed these incorrectly | SPREADSHEET |
Saves me almost crashing into metal ship | STEAMVESSEL |
Skirt unfashionable, unloved and sent back repeatedly | TUTU |
Maybe grandchild can send Ted loopy | DESCENDANT |
Settle or else! Tax collected for public transport going up | ELEVATORS |
How dimwit begins Observer puzzle – bewildered | DAZED |
Relax in middle of Red Sea, swimming away | EASEOFF |
Deficiency spotted in Ahab’s encephalogram | ABSENCE |
Defeat admitted in umpteenth war trial | THWART |
Charity supporting Queen’s misgivings | QUALMS |
Personally provided solver with invitation to quiz setter | IFYOUASKME |
Australian cricketers love maidens – that’s self-evident | AXIOM |
Electricity suppliers bound to direct debits ultimately | JUMPLEADS |
Smell – dubiously at first – unknown substance | BODY |
Turn up to decide a title for issues | EMANATES |
Observe Russia possibly recruiting muscle | SPECTATE |
Seaside flats and ramshackle spa leased around November | ESPLANADES |
Quickly ran through dance with Sheeran in the wings | REELEDOFF |
Grammatically suspect description of history, so to speak | ASITWERE |
Pupil’s equipment not shading, their caps left off earlier | FELTPENS |
Swinger using tips from trapeze artist, really zipping around now! | TARZAN |
Dull fare, e.g. peppers, thrown back up | STODGE |
Rib about ‘big trap’ occasionally | COSTA |
Food to accompany 1A, served up by advocate | TACO |