The Independent Crossword Answers March 21, 2025

Welcome to Daily Crossword Answers Website! In this section of website we post daily answers and solutions for the The Independent Cryptic Crossword.

Below are The Independent Cryptic March 21, 2025 Crossword Answers. We have changed the way we posting answers and solutions for clues; instead of opening them in a new page we are revealing answers and solutions in the same page. This is the simplest way for you to find the answers. As you see in the left side are crossword clues and in the right side are crossword answers.


Fruit trees over the hills? ORANGES
Lunar vehicle on Sun? Dodgy things here LEMONS
Largely put off about temperature in Nile region DELTA
Banishment sees major part of bigotry abandoned by millions OSTRACISM
What’s observed after fool produces organic compound NITRITE
Three Rs so revitalised after the writer’s backing copies MIRRORS
Odd cut of meat with last slice removed RUM
Travelling detectives about to return, pursuing French name NOMADIC
‘Close’, ‘termination’ and finally – this? END
500: a great many pictures? DOODLES
Stone oven is out of the common run STRANGE
Fragrant species, say: a way forward when money’s invested EGLANTINE
Choral piece swamped by remote tom-toms, on recall MOTET
Was interrogating curtailed for the screen? GRILLE
Snap activity with steer’s tail for bullfighter PICADOR


Director brought in one Bond girl in action in capital location LONDONBRIDGE
Everybody oppressed by hot room HALL
Pair of Americans raring to go off about the country AGRARIAN
A painful point about hospital that’s stranded? ASHORE
I’m newspaperman penning lines and reflection of it being inopportune ILLTIMED
Spoil appearance of a little devil? IMPAIR
One suggestion on lines on a name from the other side of the world ANTIPODEAN
Date men get infected with virus – that’s bad luck MISADVENTURE
Cat loves bits of ling and eel, tucking into small fish, larking about TOMFOOLERY
Composer, European, as is possibly accepted by fellows MESSIAEN
Clotted cream is found around Cornwall’s foremost pottery CERAMICS
Solitary lecturer covering Fenland city LONELY
Plain, but with incremental stages? Not entirely STEPPE
Trend bound to be picked up by radio TIDE