The Sun Crossword Answers August 19, 2019

Welcome to Daily Crossword Answers Website! In this section of website we post daily answers and solutions for the The Sun 2 Speed Crossword.

Below are The Sun 2 Speed August 19, 2019 Crossword Answers. We have changed the way we posting answers and solutions for clues; instead of opening them in a new page we are revealing answers and solutions in the same page. This is the simplest way for you to find the answers. As you see in the left side are crossword clues and in the right side are crossword answers.


Tale from top Arab leader PARABLE
Silver net designed for 007? AGENT
Puzzle about public transport REBUS
Nick, adolescent, making mess CANTEEN
Spiel set out in holy writings EPISTLES
In church a lovely saintly ring HALO
Friar with little hesitation finds grub TUCKER
Requests sometimes well-made? WISHES
Irritate Irishman endlessly RILE
Dish three bears liked in time PORRIDGE
Cod main cooked for itinerant NOMADIC
Blank Edward stared stupidly GAPED
Pirate and sons catch fish with these HOOKS
Sternum broken in German city MUNSTER
Biblical story PARABLE
Catalyst AGENT
Visual pun REBUS
Works restaurant CANTEEN
New Testament letters EPISTLES
Angelic symbol HALO
Food (informal) TUCKER
Desires WISHES
Vex or anger RILE
Boiled oatmeal PORRIDGE
Wandering NOMADIC
Opened wide GAPED
Swinging punches HOOKS
Irish province MUNSTER


Misconstrue firm case for verbal introductions PERVERT
Synagogue official in short chat RABBI
Smitten so Bette Davis initially upset BESOTTED
Surpass old news boss embracing church EXCEED
Kinswoman, thin, refusing starter AUNT
E. Halsey restyled looker’s short hair EYELASH
Love follows hint in musical piece TANGO
Get iron transmuted with new element NITROGEN
Jazz group touring see Asian capital COLOMBO
Such means are limited in small bank SLENDER
Party man to grab Conservative e-business DOTCOM
Hacienda within Lutheran church? RANCH
Dorothy keeps record in garage DEPOT
Poster vacant doofus puts together ADDS
Lead astray PERVERT
Jewish scholar RABBI
Infatuated BESOTTED
Go beyond EXCEED
Female relative AUNT
Argentinian dance TANGO
Common gas NITROGEN
Sri Lankan city COLOMBO
Gracefully thin SLENDER
Online company (informal) DOTCOM
Cattle farm RANCH
Warehouse DEPOT
Combines ADDS