The Sun Crossword Answers January 03, 2019

Welcome to Daily Crossword Answers Website! In this section of website we post daily answers and solutions for the The Sun 2 Speed Crossword.

Below are The Sun 2 Speed January 03, 2019 Crossword Answers. We have changed the way we posting answers and solutions for clues; instead of opening them in a new page we are revealing answers and solutions in the same page. This is the simplest way for you to find the answers. As you see in the left side are crossword clues and in the right side are crossword answers.


Soldiers and police around king CORPS
Blade wounded girl CUTLASS
Crete wreck in Steamship Mysteries SECRETS
Encore from Gaga incredible AGAIN
New exits even covering wide area EXTENSIVE
Runner from Enniskillen SKI
Sensation has place in band SPLASH
Monarch in transport ship finds rot PERISH
Bill seen in a court ACT
Love helping after fuss ADORATION
Principle initially established in marquee TENET
Twisting intro so complicated TORSION
Old duck in Kerry disturbed bird colony ROOKERY
Money for iced treat LOLLY
Army division CORPS
Pirate’s sword CUTLASS
Classified items SECRETS
Once more AGAIN
Wide-ranging EXTENSIVE
Glide on snow SKI
Boldly display SPLASH
Expire or die PERISH
Performance ACT
Belief TENET
Avian breeding ground ROOKERY
Cash (informal) LOLLY


Class a saint held in church CASTE
Article rubbished performance RECITAL
Actor Charlie producing radiance SHEEN
Universal wit entertains son COSMIC
Gin reportedly of comfort in swinging bar TRAPEZE
A mum with small son finds stash AMASS
Swimmer ultimately gets his fun spoilt SUNFISH
Broadcast from Doris Cattermole SCATTER
Shock rattles terribly STARTLE
Letter from the front? INITIAL
Author having shot at verse POETRY
Argentinian music has beat and energy TANGO
Month sees couple in trouble APRIL
Sinatra in French city NANCY
Social class CASTE
Public concert RECITAL
Shine or lustre SHEEN
From outer space COSMIC
Circus apparatus TRAPEZE
Gather AMASS
Large marine animal SUNFISH
Disseminate SCATTER
Surprise or alarm STARTLE
At the beginning INITIAL
Literary form POETRY
Lively dance TANGO
Period after March APRIL
Female name NANCY