The Sun Crossword Answers January 17, 2023

Welcome to Daily Crossword Answers Website! In this section of website we post daily answers and solutions for the The Sun 2 Speed Crossword.

Below are The Sun 2 Speed January 17, 2023 Crossword Answers. We have changed the way we posting answers and solutions for clues; instead of opening them in a new page we are revealing answers and solutions in the same page. This is the simplest way for you to find the answers. As you see in the left side are crossword clues and in the right side are crossword answers.


Way to check pain in medicinal packet SACHET
Endlessly observe Frenchman’s calm SERENE
Tiresome person heard is a real pig BOAR
Dine with aunt at sea in flood INUNDATE
Unfancied person grounded unfortunately UNDERDOG
Where you may see Victoria and Mike bathe SWIM
Man in charge around court is frantically active HECTIC
Flag police down at last with gesture ENSIGN
Lincoln died: in his sleep? ABED
American icon in sun camel nobbled UNCLESAM
Awkward relation from the East ORIENTAL
Perceive posh school’s back NOTE
Straw to eat is fine with stranger FODDER
Private shot with this? CAMERA
Small bag SACHET
Tranquil SERENE
Male swine BOAR
Overwhelm INUNDATE
Unlikely winner UNDERDOG
Move in water SWIM
Frenzied HECTIC
Naval officer ENSIGN
Retired for the night ABED
USA personified UNCLESAM
Chinese or Japanese ORIENTAL
Distinction NOTE
Cattle food FODDER
Photographer’s tool CAMERA


A scam to pinch farmer’s last fruit from tree ACORN
Animals eating five tons in gathered crops HARVEST
Tested new diet that includes rook TRIED
Son, one lacking magical skills in run SMUGGLE
Gets lift in Kalahari desert RIDES
The least you could do? NOTHING
Trade stoppage thus restricts business degree EMBARGO
Fast ship transports large disordered heap CLUTTER
Bird in addition shows chest part STERNUM
Father keeps on being awesome DREAD
Oil magically stops two colds and bellyache COLIC
Union Station? ALTAR
Oak seed ACORN
Heard at court TRIED
Carry illicitly SMUGGLE
Fairground attractions RIDES
Blockade EMBARGO
Litter or mess CLUTTER
Breastbone STERNUM
Great fear DREAD
Spasmodic tummy pain COLIC
Church table ALTAR