Welcome to Daily Crossword Answers Website! In this section of website we post daily answers and solutions for the The Sun 2 Speed Crossword.
Below are The Sun 2 Speed January 25, 2023 Crossword Answers. We have changed the way we posting answers and solutions for clues; instead of opening them in a new page we are revealing answers and solutions in the same page. This is the simplest way for you to find the answers. As you see in the left side are crossword clues and in the right side are crossword answers.
O! Write song outside! | OPENAIR |
Joe! I’m changing image in text message! | EMOJI |
Note in Times for Catholic saint | AGNES |
Material obtained by class one accountant | FORMICA |
Valued English horses around one million | ESTIMABLE |
Immanuel Kant: deer-keeper? | ELK |
Grandma’s bread | NAN |
Felines having a search inside underground tunnels | CATACOMBS |
Learner into Horace composed hymn tune | CHORALE |
Inside shop Ian ordered instrument | PIANO |
Fit silver on mantelpiece at last | AGREE |
Guess thought to be false | SUSPECT |
Alfresco | OPENAIR |
Smiley, e.g. | EMOJI |
Female name | AGNES |
Laminated plastic | FORMICA |
Worthy of respect | ESTIMABLE |
Moose | ELK |
Indian flatbread | NAN |
Subterranean vaults | CATACOMBS |
Lutheran song | CHORALE |
Played softly | PIANO |
Concur | AGREE |
Distrust | SUSPECT |
Respect domicile full of silver | HOMAGE |
American one drunk for long time | AEON |
Dark vinegar in old times covering chopped salami | BALSAMIC |
Structure easily assembled before cracking | PREFAB |
In Skye a revolutionary time | YEAR |
Muse, Clio, dancing in theatre | COLISEUM |
Seize greeting card | HIJACK |
Not radio broadcast for cooking style | TANDOORI |
Warping space is male fantasy | ESCAPISM |
Divine drink in new crate ordered | NECTAR |
The first worshipper? | THEIST |
Pint-sized son in summer garment | SHORTS |
Sage chopped for long time | AGES |
Region in Near East | AREA |
Tribute | HOMAGE |
One billion years | AEON |
Salad dressing choice | BALSAMIC |
Ready-made home | PREFAB |
Twelvemonth | YEAR |
Roman stadium | COLISEUM |
Take by force | HIJACK |
Clay-oven cookery | TANDOORI |
Avoidance of reality | ESCAPISM |
Delicious beverage | NECTAR |
Believer in God | THEIST |
Boys’ trousers | SHORTS |
Forever | AGES |
Vicinity | AREA |