The Sun Crossword Answers May 02, 2020

Welcome to Daily Crossword Answers Website! In this section of website we post daily answers and solutions for the The Sun 2 Speed Crossword.

Below are The Sun 2 Speed May 02, 2020 Crossword Answers. We have changed the way we posting answers and solutions for clues; instead of opening them in a new page we are revealing answers and solutions in the same page. This is the simplest way for you to find the answers. As you see in the left side are crossword clues and in the right side are crossword answers.


Expert outside hospital in pain ACHE
He – Aeolus – destroyed pub ALEHOUSE
Penny to arrive at address PREACH
Trade union in retreat reversed custom RITUAL
Slave follows form DOGSBODY
Nuisance, we hear, fitting this window part PANE
Hold so as to protect young rocker CRADLE
Disregard one rig exploding IGNORE
Inner Hebridean concept? IDEA
Nuts learn with mad senior citizen ALDERMAN
French friend after reduced-salt sausage SALAMI
Honeyed wine old wife found in paddock MEADOW
Lawyer thrashed on treaty ATTORNEY
Top copy with Times APEX
Experience soreness ACHE
Deliver sermon PREACH
Solemn ceremony RITUAL
Menial worker DOGSBODY
Glass sheet PANE
Baby’s cot CRADLE
Spurn or slight IGNORE
Notion IDEA
Civic dignitary ALDERMAN
Meat product SALAMI
Pasture MEADOW
Legal representative ATTORNEY
Peak or zenith APEX


Freight from cape on Jason’s boat CARGO
Pleased about having passed by ELAPSED
Wood from banana shrub ASH
Initial time in prison – one there before others EARLYBIRD
Panto prepared and readily available ONTAP
Earth, north and south, moving Captain Kirk? SHATNER
Manage without Conservative helping process OPERATION
Notice one in wild speech incandescent RADIANT
New country area includes very peaceful place NIRVANA
Some additional amontillado needed for Crockett’s mission ALAMO
Difficulty about love ADORE
MP Theresa married still MAY
Ship’s load CARGO
Tree ASH
Proverbial worm-catcher EARLYBIRD
Stored in barrels ONTAP
William —, Star Trek actor SHATNER
Surgical procedure OPERATION
All smiles RADIANT
Transcendent state NIRVANA
Texan battlesite ALAMO
Dote on ADORE
Spring month MAY