The Sun Crossword Answers October 01, 2020

Welcome to Daily Crossword Answers Website! In this section of website we post daily answers and solutions for the The Sun 2 Speed Crossword.

Below are The Sun 2 Speed October 01, 2020 Crossword Answers. We have changed the way we posting answers and solutions for clues; instead of opening them in a new page we are revealing answers and solutions in the same page. This is the simplest way for you to find the answers. As you see in the left side are crossword clues and in the right side are crossword answers.


Charlie at church finds hidden problem CATCH
Mild Liberal embraced by setter? CLEMENT
Island lover gives order MANDATE
At home sick pet is useless INEPT
Union matching deal AGREEMENT
Sticky stuff in vat arrived TAR
Mail perhaps from Romeo in love affair ARMOUR
Trouble with Ginger put on pedestal ADORED
Traitor in Blair Atholl RAT
Head going after goat snatcher KIDNAPPER
Fantasise about barricade put round DREAM
One MP changed dole, causing collapse IMPLODE
Compassion shown in fantastical ape-myth EMPATHY
Copper to restrain attractive individual CUTIE
Apprehend CATCH
Written authority MANDATE
Incompetent INEPT
Pitch TAR
Metal suit ARMOUR
Rodent RAT
Reverie DREAM
Burst inwards IMPLODE
Fellow feeling EMPATHY
Adorable person CUTIE


Mike in unconscious state: this gives pause COMMA
Pet mutt ran out TANTRUM
Paradise endlessly provides lift HEAVE
Capable Conservative means to apply pressure CLEVER
Was left holding son EXISTED
Standing before the court ERECT
Time out: beaten socialist given lesson TUTORED
Make shorter using a spanner ABRIDGE
Dishevelled UK men drunk with pint UNKEMPT
Bond freed parrot keeping quiet RAPPORT
One in toddy prepared is something weird ODDITY
Fool takes wife into Pret backwards TWERP
Savoury jelly in a small photo ASPIC
Magistrate and former Kent player? REEVE
Punctuation mark COMMA
Display of temper TANTRUM
Ingenious CLEVER
Lived and breathed EXISTED
Upright ERECT
Instructed TUTORED
Abbreviate text ABRIDGE
Ungroomed UNKEMPT
Connection RAPPORT
Nitwit TWERP
Jellied garnish ASPIC
Superman actor REEVE