Universal Crossword Answers December 02, 2021

Welcome to Daily Crossword Answers Website! In this section of website we post daily answers and solutions for the Universal Crossword.

Below are Universal December 02, 2021 Crossword Answers. We have changed the way we posting answers and solutions for clues; instead of opening them in a new page we are revealing answers and solutions in the same page. This is the simplest way for you to find the answers. As you see in the left side are crossword clues and in the right side are crossword answers.

Author: by Paul Coulter


Analyze syntactically PARSE
Emailed a dupe to CCED
Officials at Phillies games, briefly UMPS
Let up ABATE
Big name in chips LAYS
Game on horseback POLO
*Like community government (Hint: Note the letters that bookend both words of each starred clue’s answer … and what these letters collectively spell) LOCALLEVEL
Coffee maker sound DRIP
All tied up EVEN
All fired up AVID
Fills to excess SATES
Flushed RED
After expenses NET
Opposite of baja ALTA
*All the other people EVERYONEELSE
One who values actions over words? MIME
Broke bread ATE
Most eco-friendly dryer? SUN
“Just play along” HUMORME
Answered REPLIED
Cable network with a patriotic name USA
What jowls do SAG
Charged particles IONS
*Spurring into action GETTINGGOING
Call to a mate AHOY
Curved path ARC
Blond shade ASH
Late general Powell COLIN
Adjective for a shoppe OLDE
Chimney channel FLUE
Smell from a trash bag ODOR
Clutter MESS
Norse god associated with lightning THOR
Judges’ attire ROBES
(Check this out!) PSST
Baby beagles PUPS
Steeple’s tip SPIRE


Less ruddy PALER
Situated over ABOVE
Baseball legend Musial STAN
Word hidden in “three letters” EEL
What a filling fills CAVITY
Watched warily EYED
Internet connection initials DSL
Modernize UPDATE
Serious sermon subject MORTALSIN
Ballet bend PLIE
Absorbs, with “up” SOPS
Narrow street LANE
Ignore the alarm clock SLEEPIN
Penny, perhaps, in poker ANTE
Moody music genre EMO
Rendition VERSION
Crew member’s implement OAR
Takes legal action SUES
5 p.m., say, for a workday END
Ponder (over) MUSE
Embrace HUG
A whole bunch of MANY
Thing in an incubator EGG
Captain’s journal LOG
Craving that needs quenching THIRST
Pace faster than a canter GALLOP
They may be marching ORDERS
Frosts, as a cake ICES
Cover story? ALIBI
Terrific SUPER
“Siddhartha” author Hermann HESSE
Provide for free COMP
Uplifting poems ODES
Diamond Head’s locale OAHU
Box office bomb FLOP
Motor oil brand STP
AARP members: Abbr. SRS