Universal Crossword Answers March 02, 2025

Welcome to Daily Crossword Answers Website! In this section of website we post daily answers and solutions for the Universal Crossword.

Below are Universal March 02, 2025 Crossword Answers. We have changed the way we posting answers and solutions for clues; instead of opening them in a new page we are revealing answers and solutions in the same page. This is the simplest way for you to find the answers. As you see in the left side are crossword clues and in the right side are crossword answers.

Author: by Lydia Roth


A-peel-ing game for word nerds? BANANAGRAMS
Online chats: Abbr. IMS
“Who would’ve thought?!” IMAGINETHAT
Pilates class accessory MAT
Breakfast leftovers, maybe? BACONGREASE
Reggae relative SKA
Mo. city home to the Gateway Arch STL
Stately trees ELMS
Thieving fox of “Dora the Explorer” SWIPER
Some “Minecraft” resources ORES
Short trailer TEASER
Incredibly cool BADASS
“Vexations” composer Satie ERIK
“A Moveable ___” (Hemingway memoir) FEAST
Metric speed meas. KPH
Crafty website ETSY
Ballet-inspired fitness class BARRE
“See ya!” CIAO
Businesses, for short COS
Homes for 49-Down HIVES
Fairy tale’s starting word ONCE
Provocative opinion, informally HOTTAKE
Overindulges in Netflix, e.g. BINGES
Curtains DRAPES
Discarded parts of avocados PITS
<3<3<3 HEARTS
Indigenous people of Japan AINU
Delivery docs OBS
“Yada, yada, yada”: Abbr. ETC
“A thought just occurred to me” IHAVEANIDEA
Just peachy AOK
Tension breaker, in a drama COMICRELIEF
___ Alamos LOS
Vague, tingly intuition SPIDEYSENSE


Things worn by marathoners BIBS
Amo, amas, ___ AMAT
Sodium chloride, chemically NACL
Before now AGO
NFL team in S.F. NINERS
They might be acute or obtuse ANGLES
Cooties GERMS
GPS suggestions RTES
“I see!” AHA
One who really kneads to work? MASSEUSE
“Twilight” actress Kristen STEWART
“Still talking over here” IMSPEAKING
Collaborative place for creative types MAKERSPACE
Headliner STAR
Web connection co. ISP
Like barrel-aged wine OAKY
Old Russian rulers TSARS
Tree whose name sounds like a place to play volleyball BEECH
Astromech droid and friend of Luke Skywalker ARTOODETOO
Products of some hip-hop rivalries DISSTRACKS
Clogs or pumps SHOES
Top picks, casually FAVES
Bard’s “before” ERE
Chain store? BIKESHOP
Downsides CONS
Science of using touch to interact with technology HAPTICS
2022 film in which Cate Blanchett portrays a conductor TAR
Like a yes-or-no question BINARY
Old Mac music app ITUNES
Jigsaw fragment PIECE
Become well HEAL
Passionate AVID
Thor’s father ODIN
Some drones BEES
Not out, in softball SAFE
“___ the only one?” AMI
Paris’ ___ de la Cite ILE