Universal Crossword Answers March 17, 2025

Welcome to Daily Crossword Answers Website! In this section of website we post daily answers and solutions for the Universal Crossword.

Below are Universal March 17, 2025 Crossword Answers. We have changed the way we posting answers and solutions for clues; instead of opening them in a new page we are revealing answers and solutions in the same page. This is the simplest way for you to find the answers. As you see in the left side are crossword clues and in the right side are crossword answers.

Author: by Bill Stueben


Summer solstice month JUNE
Get hitched MARRY
Piece of paper money BILL
Ready for business OPEN
Nebraska’s largest city OMAHA
Musical term meaning “together” that’s hidden backward in “feudalism” ADUE
Ballpark figure? STAT
Choir platform RISER
Luxor’s river NILE
Catnip mouse or squeaky ball PETTOY
“Let me think …” UMM
Perry Mason’s field LAW
*Low-fat cereal since 1955 SPECIALK
Treasure map distances PACES
___-full (jam-packed) CHOCK
Score such as 1-1 TIE
Swelled heads EGOS
*Sound at the start of “groom” HARDG
Tend to MIND
___-com ROM
Foolish people DOPES
Supports BACKS
*Las Vegas casino targeted in “Ocean’s Eleven” MGMGRAND
Tavern BAR
Positive or negative particle ION
Some peaceful protests SITINS
Finish with a flourish … and what the answers to the starred clues all do ENDONAHIGHNOTE
Avant-garde EDGY
Female friend, in Mexico AMIGA
Brother of Cain ABEL
1/500 of the Indy 500 MILE
Parts of a legal contract TERMS
Smell to high heaven REEK
Salt Lake City athletes UTES
Quarterback’s deceptive play SNEAK
Swiss peaks ALPS


“Gimme five!” UPTOP
Author Zora ___ Hurston NEALE
Gives the right (to) ENTITLES
“Good ___” (Shakespearean greeting) MORROW
Friendship AMITY
Foolhardy RASH
Mother of Zeus RHEA
Kitten’s plaything YARN
Sandwich that means “bread” in Vietnamese BANHMI
Natural-sounding to a native speaker IDIOMATIC
Nickname for Louise LULU
Stan of Marvel Comics LEE
United approximations: Abbr. ETAS
Diving position TUCK
Tear to pieces SHRED
Pea holders PODS
Heart readout, for short ECG
Connection LINK
Some canvas shoes KEDS
Long-lasting ‘do PERM
Wide-eyed AGOG
Blend, as finances COMMINGLE
___ Crunch CAPN
Condo grp. HOA
Dip for mozzarella sticks MARINARA
1962 Bond foe DRNO
Relaxing soak BATH
Emphatic agreement GODYES
No small favor BIGASK
Greek letter that means “sum” in math SIGMA
Prestigious economics prize NOBEL
Exorbitant STEEP
Revise EDIT
Washington’s MLB team NATS
“I agree wholeheartedly!” AMEN
Bring onto the payroll HIRE
Fraternal group ELKS
Big bird in the Outback EMU