Universal Crossword Answers March 21, 2025

Welcome to Daily Crossword Answers Website! In this section of website we post daily answers and solutions for the Universal Crossword.

Below are Universal March 21, 2025 Crossword Answers. We have changed the way we posting answers and solutions for clues; instead of opening them in a new page we are revealing answers and solutions in the same page. This is the simplest way for you to find the answers. As you see in the left side are crossword clues and in the right side are crossword answers.

Author: by Owen Bergstein


Author Wilde OSCAR
“Without further ___ …” ADO
Ambulance personnel, briefly EMTS
Tibetan capital LHASA
Plant stalk STEM
Actress Rooney MARA
Stories that may be Greek or Norse MYTHS
Calvin Harris? CHINMUSIC
Droop SAG
Lifesaving technique, for short CPR
Todd Woodbridge? TWINSETS
Black Panther adversary named for a gorilla MANAPE
Small headphone EARBUD
Influencer Mulvaney DYLAN
Root used in poi TARO
Smidgen TAD
Sandy Koufax? SKINGAMES
Encountered MET
Stops standing SITS
Charge toward RUNAT
Budget carrier headquartered near Kuala Lumpur AIRASIA
Copy and sell illegally PIRATE
Bit of broccoli FLORET
Tippi Hedren? THINFILM
Animal studied in a Skinner box RAT
Obama’s rival in 2008 MCCAIN
Genre for Nicki Minaj and Little Simz RAP
To start with … or how to parse the first two letters of 17-, 22-, 33- and 47-Across? INITIALLY
Came up AROSE
Tennis legend Gauff COCO
Famous gorilla … or a homophone of 57-Across KOKO
Cozy garments at many hotels ROBES
“Quickly!” ASAP
Martians, e.g., briefly ETS
Surprise ending TWIST


Frederick Law ___, landscape architect who designed Central Park OLMSTED
Shrink back (from) SHYAWAY
Young feline anime character CATGIRL
Eruption detritus ASH
One of the Three Musketeers ATHOS
Its last letter stands for “belonging” DEIB
Jokey, rhyming eating sounds OMNOMNOM
Ostrich relative EMU
Eyelash cosmetic MASCARA
Stumbled TRIPPED
Highlander SCOT
Palace’s protection MOAT
Garden plot BED
Hoops celebrity, often NBASTAR
Fallen in the water SUNK
Browse the web NETSURF
Notable periods ERAS
“The Haunting of Bly Manor” actress Miller TNIA
Author’s representative: Abbr. AGT
Show where bakers make deceptive products ISITCAKE
Activist Brockovich ERIN
Popular Pepperidge Farm cookies MILANOS
Sexy literature EROTICA
Kenyan capital NAIROBI
Books that help you find your place? ATLASES
Windstorm TEMPEST
Second-largest continent AFRICA
Big truck SEMI
Item with a sharp point PIN
Converses TALKS
Cheery greeting HIYO
Form a clump CLOT
Cami, e.g. TOP
Dance or sculpture ART
Do crew ROW