Universal Crossword Answers March 26, 2025

Welcome to Daily Crossword Answers Website! In this section of website we post daily answers and solutions for the Universal Crossword.

Below are Universal March 26, 2025 Crossword Answers. We have changed the way we posting answers and solutions for clues; instead of opening them in a new page we are revealing answers and solutions in the same page. This is the simplest way for you to find the answers. As you see in the left side are crossword clues and in the right side are crossword answers.

Author: by Leo Tsai


Red, yellow or green COLOR
Helper, for short ASST
Like long odds SLIM
Limited-time retail event ONEDAYSALE
Down-to-the-___ WIRE
“Good to know, but wish you’d told me sooner” GLADIASKED
Author and activist Wiesel ELIE
Barrett of Pink Floyd SYD
Win every game SWEEP
Finish multiple courses in a few hours FEAST
Mailed or emailed SENT
Sudden jerk TWITCH
Eating plans DIETS
African antelope ELAND
Salt amount in some recipes PINCH
Computer code? IPADDRESS
Get used (to) INURE
Knack for banter WIT
It’s hard to read at a table POKERFACE
1945 conference site YALTA
Animated characters TOONS
Certain sources of zest LIMES
“Wii Sports ___” RESORT
Drains, as energy SAPS
Risotto’s drier relative PILAF
Tennis event MATCH
FX in “Transformers,” for example CGI
Huge figure, or a small figure ICON
Toy whose “Mr.” was dropped in 2021 POTATOHEAD
Mo. before Oct. SEPT
Sushi whose avocado slices resemble scales DRAGONROLL
___ 51 AREA
Government agents, casually FEDS
Paper written during an all-nighter, maybe ESSAY


Gear teeth COGS
“The One and ___ Ivan” (novel by Katherine Applegate) ONLY
Biggest role in a play LEAD
Like the length of this answer, aptly ODD
Dance by pushing your hands up RAISETHEROOF
It’s a plus ASSET
Drink that may be served with a 54-Across SAKE
Didn’t wake up until noon, say SLEPTLATE
Knight of “Caddyshack” TED
“Night night!” SWEETDREAMS
Light purple flower LILAC
“Fighting” Notre Dame team IRISH
Track event MEET
Shows tiredness YAWNS
Original name of Apple’s tracking app FINDMYIPHONE
Gift-giving game SECRETSANTA
Crumple (up) WAD
Stegosaurus, e.g., for short DINO
Greenland native INUK
Heroic poems EPICS
Dot on a die PIP
“That wasn’t enough” IWANTMORE
Palindromic fashion magazine ELLE
Dips, as the sun SETS
Place for pirates SEA
Milk: Prefix LACTO
Kitchen device that isn’t suited for a 44-Across, surprisingly RICER
Skip the big wedding ELOPE
Solo partygoers STAGS
Leaning Tower of ___ PISA
Slightly ATAD
Corp. heads CEOS
Big party GALA
With nothing to do IDLY
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60-min. intervals HRS