Chill In The Air Crossword Clue Answer

Thank you for using our daily crossword answers website to reveal Puzzle Society Crossword Solutions and Answers. Below is the solution for the question: “Chill In The Air” from the Puzzle Society Crossword.
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Definition 1:
To bite or pinch (someone or something) lightly + obj no obj + at .

The dog nipped my ankles.
The dog nipped at my ankles.
Definition 2:
To defeat (someone or something) by a small amount .

The New York Mets nipped the Atlanta Braves 1–0.
Definition 3:
To go to a place quickly or for a short period of time .

I had to nip back to my place.
He nipped in ahead of me in line.
He nipped into the store to buy milk.
Definition 4:
To harm or hurt (something) with cold + obj no obj + at .

An early frost nipped the crops.
The cold wind was nipping my nose.
The cold wind nipped at my nose.

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