Focus Of Much TV Drama Crossword Clue Answer

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Definition 1:
An illegal act for which someone can be punished by the government see also war crime white-collar crime.

Have you ever been convicted of a crime? = Were you ever found guilty of a crime?
A very serious crime
She paid dearly for her crimes.
The punishment didn’t fit the crime. [=the punishment was too mild/severe]
Evidence that helped them solve the crime
A federal crime
Weapons used to commit crimes [=to do something illegal]
I’ve committed no crime. = I haven’t committed any crime.
He was punished for a crime that he didn’t commit.
Laws against hate crimes [=crimes that people commit because they hate the victim’s race, religion, etc.]
He thought he had committed a/the perfect crime. [=a crime that leaves no evidence]
Definition 2:
Activity that is against the law :illegal acts in general often used before another noun Someone’s partner in crime is a person who helps someone commit a crime. .

Poverty and crime
Hiring more police officers would help prevent/deter/reduce (the amount of) crime in our city.
Leaders who are tough on crime = leaders who work hard to fight crime
He turned to a life of crime [=he became a criminal] as a teenager.
He has links to organized crime. [=a group of professional criminals who work together as part of a powerful and secret organization]
The recent increase in violent crime
High crime rates
crime novels/stories
We found your wallet at the crime scene. [=the place where a crime happened]
A crime wave [=a sudden increase in the amount of crime in an area]
He was her partner in crime for most of the robberies.
Definition 3:
An act that is foolish or wrong .

It’s a crime [=sin] to let food go to waste.
Being single is not a crime.
There’s no greater crime than forgetting your anniversary.

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