Let Others Use Crossword Clue Answer

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Definition 1:
To have or use (something) with others often + with .

We share a house/car (together).
I share an office with two other people.
Definition 2:
To divide (something) into parts and each take or use a part .

They shared the last cookie.
We shared the money equally.
Definition 3:
To let someone else have or use a part of (something that belongs to you) + obj often + with no obj .

The children need to learn to share their toys.
He doesn’t share his toys with other kids.
Share the cookies with your sister.
The children need to learn to share (with each other).
Definition 4:
To have (something that someone or something else also has) :to have (something) in common + obj often + with no obj + in .

We share an interest in baseball. [=we are both interested in baseball]
The two countries share a border.
I know you’re worried about the schedule, but I don’t share your concerns. [=I don’t have the same concerns that you have; I am not worried about the schedule]
I share these concerns with others in the group.
I don’t share in your concerns about the schedule.
Definition 5:
To tell someone about (your feelings, opinions, thoughts, etc.) + obj often + with no obj .

Please share any ideas that you may have.
Would you like to share your feelings with the group?
Thanks for sharing that (with me).
Thanks for sharing.
Definition 6:
To have equal responsibility for or involvement in (something) + obj no obj + in .

I share the blame for what happened.
We all share in the responsibility for this tragedy.
The whole family shares in the household chores.

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