Like A Buyer’s Market Crossword Clue Answer

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Definition 1:
Easy to press, bend, cut, etc. :not hard or firm opposite hard.

A soft mattress
soft cheese/dough
The ground was soft after the heavy rain.
Iron and lead are soft metals.
Definition 2:
Smooth and pleasant to touch .

soft skin
A soft silk
The rabbit’s fur is soft.
Definition 3:
Having a very light color :not strong or bright in color or tone .

soft colors
The room was painted in soft pink.
soft blues
Definition 4:
Not bright or harsh .

soft lighting [=lighting that is not too bright]
The soft glow of the moon
Definition 5:
Gentle in manner :not harsh .

He has a soft touch.
She gave him a soft kiss on the cheek.
We decided to take a softer approach in disciplining the children.
Definition 6:
Not strong or very forceful .

A soft [=mild, gentle] breeze
A soft [=light] rain fell.
Definition 7:
Having a low, gentle sound .

A soft voice
Definition 8:
Having a curved or rounded outline .

soft rolling hills
A sweater with soft shoulder lines
Definition 9:
Not strict, harsh, or critical enough often + on .

The students thought their teacher was soft.
You’re too soft with your children.
Some people accuse the mayor of being soft on crime.
Definition 10:
Involving little work or effort :easy .

He has a pretty soft job.
A soft life
(chiefly Brit) Police insisted that community service work was not a soft option.
Definition 11:
Not physically strong :not muscular .

He had grown soft from years of inactivity.
Definition 12:
Not brave or tough .

He used to love adventure, but he has gone/gotten soft in his old age.
Definition 13:
Feeling sympathy for other people :sympathetic and kind opposite hard.

He has a soft heart.
Definition 14:
Relating to matters that are not serious or important opposite hard.

soft news stories
Definition 15:
Not as strong or harmful to the health as other drugs opposite hard.

Marijuana is a soft drug.
Definition 16:
Not containing many minerals and able to make bubbles with soap opposite hard.

soft water
Definition 17:
Sounding like the “c” in “ace” or the “g” in “gem” opposite hard.

The “c” in “cell” is soft, but the “c” in “cabbage” is hard.
The soft “g” in “general”

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