NetWord Crossword Answers December 23, 2021

Welcome to Daily Crossword Answers Website! In this section of website we post daily answers and solutions for the Netword Crossword.

Below are Netword December 23, 2021 Crossword Answers. We have changed the way we posting answers and solutions for clues; instead of opening them in a new page we are revealing answers and solutions in the same page. This is the simplest way for you to find the answers. As you see in the left side are crossword clues and in the right side are crossword answers.

Author: by Mark Mcclain


Common grad-student job TUTOR
Bleach holders JUGS
Admin. __ ASST
Give your address ORATE
Peace Prize city OSLO
Words on some jackets BIOS
Bank customers: Abbr. ACCTS
Branch of Islam SHIA
Old Testament prophet EZRA
Engage in idle chatter SHOOTTHEBREEZE
Cook of Apple TIM
Yonder yacht HER
Wherein the world is flat ATLAS
Hounded NAGGED
DC-based network NPR
State of anger IRE
Loan document stat. APR
Needle hole EYE
”I’ll pick that up!” ONME
Popular diner breakfast SCRAMBLEDEGGS
Elitist SNOB
Wood used in wineries OAK
Cable service add-on DVR
Gehrig of baseball LOU
Barbecue by-product ASH
Fails to be alert SLEEPS
Shareholder OWNER
Pool tool CUE
__ Baba ALI
Far from logical SCATTERBRAINED
What we have here THIS
Saudi, more than likely ARAB
Scold slightly CHIDE
Merry monarch of rhyme COLE
Cleanser scent PINE
Pacific island monarchy TONGA
Cuisine for corporals MESS
Plant’s origin SEED
Seekers of secrets SPIES


Tinkly tribute TOAST
Young rascal URCHIN
Puget Sound city TACOMA
Comics canine OTTO
What’s left over REST
Kidded around JOSHED
Ballpark employee USHER
Smooth-talking GLIB
Reach great heights SOAR
Red as __ ABEET
Pitchers’ woes SOREARMS
Bag checking agcy. TSA
Bottle-brand anagram of MOTHERS THERMOS
Dumbo’s wing EAR
Get the point SEE
Attire GARB
Admissions Dept. concern GPA
”Saves the World” scientist NYE
Itinerant merchant PEDDLER
Deer cousin ELK
Fearsome employer OGRE
Winter footwear SNOWSHOE
Advisory boards COUNCILS
Scrooge’s scoff BAH
Festival precursor EVE
__-mo replay SLO
Creative skill ART
Filled in (for) SUBBED
Sort of sandwich PANINI
Wall-busting tool SLEDGE
Slacks off EASES
Girder lifter CRANE
”Any __?” IDEAS
Siphons off TAPS
Niagara Falls feeder ERIE
Doesn’t stall ACTS
Denny’s alternative IHOP
Channel for film buffs TCM