Not nervous Crossword Clue Answer

Below is the solution for the question: Not nervous from the NetWord Crossword. Bookmark this website for NetWord Crossword Answers.

Question: Not nervous

Solution: COOL

COOL Definition 1:
Somewhat cold :not warm or hot .
A cool breeze
The weather is cool today.
The surface is cool to the touch.
The plant grows best in cool climates.
I’m feeling a little cool.
A cool refreshing drink
It’s cooler [=less warm or hot] in the shade.
This is the coolest [=least warm or hot] summer on record.
COOL Definition 2:
Made of a light, thin material that helps you stay cool .
We changed into some cooler clothes.
COOL Definition 3:
Able to think and act in a calm way :not affected by strong feelings If you are (as) cool as a cucumber, you are very calm and able to think clearly often in a difficult situation. .
It is important to keep a cool head in a crisis. = It is important to keep/stay cool in a crisis. [=it is important to remain calm in a crisis]
She remained calm, cool, and collected.
He is a cool customer. [=he is someone who remains calm and is not easily upset]
Even in the emergency, she remained as cool as a cucumber.
The reporter was cool as a cucumber despite the confusion all around her.
COOL Definition 4:
Not friendly .
A cool reply
He replied with a cool “I don’t think so.”
She was always cool toward strangers.
We were surprised by the cool reception we got.
COOL Definition 5:
Very fashionable, stylish, or appealing in a way that is generally approved of especially by young people often used to show approval in a general way .
cool sunglasses
The car has a cool new look.
You look cool in those jeans.
A magazine article about the coolest places to live/work
Your brother is so cool.
That was a really cool [=good, excellent] movie.
“I got a job as a lifeguard this summer.” “Cool.”
COOL Definition 6:
used to suggest acceptance, agreement, or understanding .
“I’m sorry I’m late.” “It’s/That’s cool [=okay, all right]—don’t worry about it.”
“Is getting together Friday cool with you?” “Yeah, I’m cool with that.”
I thought she’d be mad, but she was cool about it.
COOL Definition 7:
Suggesting cool things .
Blue and green are cool colors, but red and orange are warm colors.
COOL Definition 8:
used for emphasis in referring to a large amount of money .
He’s worth a cool million.

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