Overreact To Spilled Milk Crossword Clue Answer

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Definition 1:
To produce tears from your eyes often while making loud sounds because of pain, sorrow, or other strong emotions no obj + obj If you cry yourself to sleep, you cry until you have fallen asleep. If you cry your eyes out or cry your heart out, you cry a lot. .

The baby is crying. Is she okay?
A crying baby
Some people cry more easily than others.
He cried silently while the song played.
She cried all the way home from school that day.
He cried (for) the whole day.
She couldn’t imagine why anyone would cry over a stupid movie.
She was crying with relief/frustration/anger.
The first day of camp, a number of children cried for their parents. [=cried because they wanted their parents]
They cried tears of joy.
I cried my eyes out when I found out they had left without saying goodbye.
Definition 2:
To shout or say something loudly + obj no obj often + for sometimes used figuratively .

“We’ve won!” they cried.
“Help,” he cried, “Get a doctor! Quick!”
I heard someone cry “Wait!” but the train pulled away anyway.
She cried [=called out] to the others to come and see what she’d found.
I heard someone crying for help.
Various groups have been crying for [=calling for] his resignation.
Definition 3:
To make the loud sound that is usual for a particular type of bird or animal .

She’d never heard the sound of sea gulls crying by the shore.

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