President No. 18 Crossword Clue Answer

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Definition 1:
To agree to do, give, or allow (something asked for or hoped for) .

The mayor refused to grant my request for an interview.
The court granted the motion for a new trial.
She granted me an interview. [=she agreed to let me interview her]
She rarely grants interviews. [=she rarely agrees to be interviewed]
I cannot grant you that wish.
Definition 2:
To give (something) legally or formally see also grant bail at bail.

The government has agreed to grant the refugees asylum. = The government has agreed to grant asylum to the refugees.
We haven’t yet been granted access to the archive.
The country was granted independence in 1950.
The judge granted custody of the children to their mother.
Definition 3:
To admit (something) although it does not agree with or support your opinion often used in the form granted or granting to introduce a clause often used in the form granted as an adverb .

I grant that he’s a talented writer, but I just don’t find his books very interesting.
The house is not in perfect condition, I grant you [=I admit that the house is not in perfect condition], but it’s still a great deal.
The house is not perfect, I grant you that.
Granted that she’s been under a lot of stress lately, her behavior is still surprising. [=I admit that she has been under a lot of stress lately, but I am still surprised by her behavior]
Even granting that you may be right [=even if you are right], I still think we need to consider other solutions.
Granted, the house is not in perfect condition, but it’s still a great deal.
“The house is not in very good condition.” “Granted [=I admit that what you say is true]—but it’s still a great deal.”

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