Reporter’s Contacts Crossword Clue Answer

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Definition 1:
Someone or something that provides what is wanted or needed .

The college had its own power source.
A water source = a source of water
She has been a great source of strength to me.
His job is the family’s main source of income.
Definition 2:
The cause of something (such as a problem) usually + of .

The delays are a source of concern.
The team’s bad play has been a source of disappointment.
Definition 3:
A person, book, etc., that gives information .

A government source spoke to the press today.
The reporter has refused to reveal his sources.
According to one source, the program will not cost a lot.
Information from various intelligence sources
Print sources
A reference source
Definition 4:
The beginning of a stream or river of water .

The source of the Nile

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