Sincerely Asks For Crossword Clue Answer

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Definition 1:
To ask people for money or food no obj + obj .

A homeless man begs on that corner every day.
Children begging for food
Children begging strangers for food
Children begging food from strangers
Definition 2:
To ask (someone) in a very serious and emotional way for something needed or wanted very much + obj no obj + of .

He begged the doctor for medicine.
He begged her for forgiveness. = He begged her to forgive him.
She begged him to read the story again.
I beg you to help them! = Help them, I beg you!
“Help them!” I begged.
(formal) I beg of you to help them!
Definition 3:
To ask for (something needed or wanted very much) in a very serious and emotional way + obj no obj .

He got down on his knees and begged forgiveness. = He got down on his knees and begged to be forgiven.
He begged that she would forgive him.
begging a favor of someone
He’s too proud to beg.
He begged for forgiveness.
Definition 4:
To sit up on the back legs with the front legs raised .

“Does your dog know any tricks?” “She knows how to beg.”
Definition 5:
To seem perfect for some purpose :to be very well suited for something followed by to + verb .

I couldn’t resist cutting some of the flowers. They were just begging to be made into a bouquet.
A scene begging to be photographed [=a scene that should be photographed]

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