Slice, As A Turkey Crossword Clue Answer

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Definition 1:
To make (something, such as a sculpture or design) by cutting off pieces of the material it is made of often + out of or from .

We carved an ice sculpture.
A carved object
He carved the sculpture out of marble.
She carves figures from wood.
Definition 2:
To cut (something, such as a pattern or design) into a surface often + into or on .

He carved his name on/into the table.
Their initials are carved into the tree.
Definition 3:
To create (something) by cutting into a surface often + out .

The Colorado River carved out the Grand Canyon.
Definition 4:
To cut (cooked meat) into pieces or slices + obj no obj .

Who is going to carve the turkey?
Would you carve me another slice of turkey, please? = Would you carve another slice of turkey for me?
He carved while I made the gravy.
Definition 5:
To create (a job, a fortune, a way of life, etc.) for yourself usually through hard work often + out .

He carved a new life for himself after the divorce.
She worked hard to carve out a career in education.

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