Spin, Say Crossword Clue Answer

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Definition 1:
A set of events or actions that happen again and again in the same order :a repeating series of events or actions often + of see also life cycle.

The female menstrual cycle
These plants have a 2-year growth cycle. [=the plants live and die within two years]
The annual cycle of the seasons
The cycle of life and death
World leaders must do more to stop/break this cycle of violence.
Definition 2:
A set of regular and repeated actions that are done by a machine as part of a longer process .

We have to wait for the dishwasher’s wash and dry cycles to end.
The spin cycle on a washing machine
Definition 3:
A bicycle or motorcycle often used before another noun .

He rode his cycle into town.
A cycle lane/path/route
Definition 4:
A group of poems, plays, songs, etc., that relate to the same subject and that together form a larger work .

A cycle of 15 poems
A song cycle

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