The Sun Crossword Answers March 18, 2020

Welcome to Daily Crossword Answers Website! In this section of website we post daily answers and solutions for the The Sun 2 Speed Crossword.

Below are The Sun 2 Speed March 18, 2020 Crossword Answers. We have changed the way we posting answers and solutions for clues; instead of opening them in a new page we are revealing answers and solutions in the same page. This is the simplest way for you to find the answers. As you see in the left side are crossword clues and in the right side are crossword answers.


Nutty natter with new resident, one allowed in ENTRANT
Beast Romeo meets husband in love RHINO
Hater destroyed planet EARTH
Block that is restricting male flow IMPASSE
Ignore Diana’s affection DISREGARD
One dispensing tea to make crust we hear URN
Money mentioned for forest female DOE
Exist even when scattered over wide area EXTENSIVE
It’s a man drunk showing vigour STAMINA
Mark one stuck in corner? STAMP
Adviser keeps son away from others ASIDE
Ship round lake in disordered heap CLUTTER
Participant ENTRANT
Horned mammal RHINO
Our world EARTH
Stalemate IMPASSE
Rounded vase URN
She-rabbit or deer DOE
Wide-ranging EXTENSIVE
Resilience STAMINA
Imprint STAMP
Digression ASIDE
Litter or mess CLUTTER


Traditional story requires explanatory gloss LEGEND
Celebrity in Sun STAR
Fabric: hers came to bits! CASHMERE
Brutal invader one cultivating land they say ATTILA
Set piece player involved in scrum PROP
Avoid our island’s river MISSOURI
Some arguing over new rule GOVERN
Score in a revamped screenplay SCENARIO
Tyrannosaurus is around unfortunately DINOSAUR
Crop man raised brings consternation DISMAY
React strangely round north in sleepy state TRANCE
Former partner, impudent, sees specialist EXPERT
Concept used in wide arena IDEA
Singer into vocal tone ALTO
Mythical tale LEGEND
Heavenly body STAR
Soft wool CASHMERE
Hunnish leader ATTILA
Rugby forward PROP
Midwestern US state MISSOURI
Wield authority GOVERN
Movie plot outline SCENARIO
Prehistoric creature DINOSAUR
Apprehension DISMAY
Thought IDEA
Voice below soprano ALTO
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