Thunder Sound Crossword Clue Answer

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Definition 1:
To hit the palms of your hands together usually more than once People often clap to show approval or pleasure. no obj + obj .

They cheered and clapped [=applauded] for the band.
She clapped in delight when she heard the news.
The audience clapped to the beat of the music.
Clap your hands!
The conductor clapped her hands twice, and the musicians stopped talking and prepared to play.
Definition 2:
To suddenly put the palm of your hand on someone or something .

He clapped his friend on the shoulder.
He clapped his hand over his mouth when he realized what he had said.
Definition 3:
To quickly or forcefully put someone or something in a place or position .

He clapped his hat on his head and went out the door.
He clapped the book shut. [=he closed the book quickly or forcefully]
She clapped a muzzle on the dog.
The prisoners were clapped in irons/chains.
Definition 4:
To hit (something, such as two hard surfaces) together in a way that makes a loud noise + obj no obj .

She clapped [=banged] the two boards together.
The tree branches clapped against the house.
Definition 5:
To suddenly put (someone) in prison, jail, etc. .

The police clapped him in jail for drug smuggling.

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