Uncontaminated Crossword Clue Answer

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Definition 1:
Not mixed with anything else .

pure gold/silver
pure silk/cotton/wool/cashmere
pure orange juice
pure honey
pure maple syrup
pure olive oil
pure white
I was acting on pure intuition/instinct. [=only because of intuition/instinct and not for any other reason]
Definition 2:
Clean and not harmful in any way .

The company bottles only the purest water.
pure mountain air
Definition 3:
Having a smooth and clear sound that is not mixed with any other sounds .

The pure notes of the flute
Definition 4:
complete total used for emphasis .

pure [=utter] nonsense/folly/fantasy
pure joy/delight
pure evil
It was pure coincidence/chance/luck that we met.
The story was pure fiction.
Definition 5:
Morally good :free from sexual or evil thoughts .

A pure and upright man
A pure heart
pure intentions
Don’t expect me to believe you’re (as) pure as the driven snow. [=morally perfect]
Definition 6:
Relating to theory and knowledge rather than to the practical uses of something .

The pure sciences
pure mathematics
Definition 7:
purebred .

A pure Arabian horse
A pure breed of cattle

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