
Here is the list of latest Daily Crossword Answers clues. Clicking on any of them will give you the answer/solution of the crossword clue. For easy navigation here is a list of crosswords you will find on this website: NY Times Crossword Answers, LA Times Crossword Answers, USA Today Crossword Answers, NewsDay Crossword Answers, Universal Crossword Answers, WS Journal Crossword Answers.

Covered like an armadillo Crossword Clue Answer

Below is the solution for the question: Covered like an armadillo from the Pat Sajak’s Code Letter Crosswords. Bookmark this website for Pat Sajak’s Code Letter Crossword Answers. Question: Covered like an armadillo Solution: PLATED PLATED Definition 1: To add a layer of metal to the outside of (something) usually used as (be) plated .Examples:The […]

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Capable of Crossword Clue Answer

Below is the solution for the question: Capable of from the Pat Sajak’s Code Letter Crosswords. Bookmark this website for Pat Sajak’s Code Letter Crossword Answers. Question: Capable of Solution: ABLETO Need other answers from the same crossword? Go back to this link to find another answer July 08, 2018 Code Letter Crossword Answers

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Office equipment contract Crossword Clue Answer

Below is the solution for the question: Office equipment contract from the Pat Sajak’s Code Letter Crosswords. Bookmark this website for Pat Sajak’s Code Letter Crossword Answers. Question: Office equipment contract Solution: LEASE LEASE Definition 1: A legal agreement that lets someone use a car, house, etc., for a period of time in return for […]

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Golden-__ corn Crossword Clue Answer

Below is the solution for the question: Golden-__ corn from the Pat Sajak’s Code Letter Crosswords. Bookmark this website for Pat Sajak’s Code Letter Crossword Answers. Question: Golden-__ corn Solution: EARED EARED Definition 1: The part of the body that you hear with see picture at face.Examples:He was whispering something in her ear.A dog with […]

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Big Apple hoopsters Crossword Clue Answer

Below is the solution for the question: Big Apple hoopsters from the Pat Sajak’s Code Letter Crosswords. Bookmark this website for Pat Sajak’s Code Letter Crossword Answers. Question: Big Apple hoopsters Solution: BROOKLYNNETS Need other answers from the same crossword? Go back to this link to find another answer July 08, 2018 Code Letter Crossword […]

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Run slowly Crossword Clue Answer

Below is the solution for the question: Run slowly from the Pat Sajak’s Code Letter Crosswords. Bookmark this website for Pat Sajak’s Code Letter Crossword Answers. Question: Run slowly Solution: TROT TROT Definition 1: To move at a speed faster than walking by stepping with each front leg at the same time as the opposite […]

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Narrow peninsula Crossword Clue Answer

Below is the solution for the question: Narrow peninsula from the Pat Sajak’s Code Letter Crosswords. Bookmark this website for Pat Sajak’s Code Letter Crossword Answers. Question: Narrow peninsula Solution: NECK NECK Definition 1: The part of the body between the head and the shoulders see picture at human.Examples:She craned/stretched her neck to see what […]

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Trade grp. Crossword Clue Answer

Below is the solution for the question: Trade grp. from the Pat Sajak’s Code Letter Crosswords. Bookmark this website for Pat Sajak’s Code Letter Crossword Answers. Question: Trade grp. Solution: ASSN Need other answers from the same crossword? Go back to this link to find another answer July 08, 2018 Code Letter Crossword Answers

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Free electrons Crossword Clue Answer

Below is the solution for the question: Free electrons from the Pat Sajak’s Code Letter Crosswords. Bookmark this website for Pat Sajak’s Code Letter Crossword Answers. Question: Free electrons Solution: IONS IONS Definition 1: An atom or group of atoms that has a positive or negative electric charge from losing or gaining one or more […]

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Crafty Crossword Clue Answer

Below is the solution for the question: Crafty from the Pat Sajak’s Code Letter Crosswords. Bookmark this website for Pat Sajak’s Code Letter Crossword Answers. Question: Crafty Solution: SLY SLY Definition 1: Clever in a dishonest way .Examples:A sly con manA sly schemeSLY Definition 2: Showing that you know a secret .Examples:A sly wink/glance/smile Need […]

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