
Here is the list of latest Daily Crossword Answers clues. Clicking on any of them will give you the answer/solution of the crossword clue. For easy navigation here is a list of crosswords you will find on this website: NY Times Crossword Answers, LA Times Crossword Answers, USA Today Crossword Answers, NewsDay Crossword Answers, Universal Crossword Answers, WS Journal Crossword Answers.

Lump of clay Crossword Clue Answer

Below is the solution for the question: Lump of clay from the Pat Sajak’s Code Letter Crosswords. Bookmark this website for Pat Sajak’s Code Letter Crossword Answers. Question: Lump of clay Solution: GLOB GLOB Definition 1: A large, round drop of something soft or wet :blob .Examples:A glob of ice cream was stuck to his […]

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Sandal features Crossword Clue Answer

Below is the solution for the question: Sandal features from the Pat Sajak’s Code Letter Crosswords. Bookmark this website for Pat Sajak’s Code Letter Crossword Answers. Question: Sandal features Solution: OPENTOES Need other answers from the same crossword? Go back to this link to find another answer July 08, 2018 Code Letter Crossword Answers

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Play areas Crossword Clue Answer

Below is the solution for the question: Play areas from the Pat Sajak’s Code Letter Crosswords. Bookmark this website for Pat Sajak’s Code Letter Crossword Answers. Question: Play areas Solution: YARDS YARDS Definition 1: An outdoor area that is next to a house and is usually covered by grass .Examples:Children were playing out in the […]

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Classico competitor Crossword Clue Answer

Below is the solution for the question: Classico competitor from the Pat Sajak’s Code Letter Crosswords. Bookmark this website for Pat Sajak’s Code Letter Crossword Answers. Question: Classico competitor Solution: RAGU Need other answers from the same crossword? Go back to this link to find another answer July 08, 2018 Code Letter Crossword Answers

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First garden Crossword Clue Answer

Below is the solution for the question: First garden from the Pat Sajak’s Code Letter Crosswords. Bookmark this website for Pat Sajak’s Code Letter Crossword Answers. Question: First garden Solution: EDEN EDEN Definition 1: The garden where Adam and Eve first lived called also Garden of Eden.EDEN Definition 2: A very beautiful natural place .Examples:A […]

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River through Florence Crossword Clue Answer

Below is the solution for the question: River through Florence from the Pat Sajak’s Code Letter Crosswords. Bookmark this website for Pat Sajak’s Code Letter Crossword Answers. Question: River through Florence Solution: ARNO Need other answers from the same crossword? Go back to this link to find another answer July 08, 2018 Code Letter Crossword […]

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State-approved adders: Abbr. Crossword Clue Answer

Below is the solution for the question: State-approved adders: Abbr. from the Pat Sajak’s Code Letter Crosswords. Bookmark this website for Pat Sajak’s Code Letter Crossword Answers. Question: State-approved adders: Abbr. Solution: CPAS CPAS Definition 1: Certified public accountant. Need other answers from the same crossword? Go back to this link to find another answer […]

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As compared to Crossword Clue Answer

Below is the solution for the question: As compared to from the Pat Sajak’s Code Letter Crosswords. Bookmark this website for Pat Sajak’s Code Letter Crossword Answers. Question: As compared to Solution: THAN THAN Definition 1: used to introduce the second or last of two or more things or people that are being compared used […]

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Sailboat poles Crossword Clue Answer

Below is the solution for the question: Sailboat poles from the Pat Sajak’s Code Letter Crosswords. Bookmark this website for Pat Sajak’s Code Letter Crossword Answers. Question: Sailboat poles Solution: SPARS SPARS Definition 1: To box with someone as a form of training or practice .Examples:He’s been sparring with his trainer.SPARS Definition 2: To argue […]

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Take care of Crossword Clue Answer

Below is the solution for the question: Take care of from the Pat Sajak’s Code Letter Crosswords. Bookmark this website for Pat Sajak’s Code Letter Crossword Answers. Question: Take care of Solution: TEND TEND Definition 1: used to describe what often happens or what someone often does or is likely to do followed by to […]

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